I would normally wait to see this covered somewhere other than a self-interested press release, but then I would normally forget about it and it would fall through the cracks, so I'm going ahead and posting it as is. Supposedly it's a Tufts University initiative and will be published in "Psychonomics Bulletin and Review," so you know it's gotta be kosher.
Anyhoo, the gist is that pigeons are smarter than you think. In one study, the birds have now proven capable of remembering "up to 1,200 images such as landscapes, cars or people simultaneously" - that is, they can match a given image with the right food lever. Kind of a complex game of "Concentration," which I remember as challenging enough even without 1200 options.
The second study is eve more intriguing:
- In the second study, the pigeons first viewed a page of 16 small pictures that were either all the same or all different. For example, if the first page showed 16 small identical mugs, the birds were then able to successfully choose a page showing 16 identical hourglasses over a page showing a variety of pictures. The pigeons also were able to identify pages of all different pictures. The results of this study demonstrated the pigeon's ability to compare two relationships, sameness or difference, rather than just two pictures.