Friday, July 18


Because fewer farms are raising animals, the 350 million tons of manure they produce each year is being spread over smaller tracts of land, causing more of it to wind up in lakes, streams and rivers, according to a new study by the Agriculture Department. What's their solution? "Farmers need more land to spread manure," USDA study says. Of course. That's what precious land should be devoted to. Excess manure. To be paid for, once again, with your tax dollars: "Farmers are applying to the government for conservation money to help cover the costs of changing their manure management plans and operations."

And a California appeals court ruled Tuesday that California farms, which are a major source of air pollution in the state's Central Valley, should no longer be exempt from certain federal air quality rules. What's that? You didn't know they were exempt? Silly. This is America.
UPDATE 7/21: Big farms cause big stink Janet Kauffman of Lenawee County (Michigan) has found bacteria, such as E. coli, 20-30 times the state's limit in waterways. That's just one example from this contemplative piece.

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