Thursday, August 19


Even if it weren't for the clear fact that there will not be enough water in the world for our descendants to enjoy a Western meat-centered diet (as World Water Week experts declared), there's still a clear imperative to move toward plant-based eating. A federal panel has just upped the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables from 5 - 9 previously to 5 - 13 now. And as USA Today points out, the more plant foods you consume, the more they help each other to fight disease: "A growing body of research shows that, once inside the body, fruits and vegetables spring into the role of superheroes, fighting cancer and other diseases in at least eight simultaneous ways. And, like the Superfriends, they seem to work better as a team." And again, "[M]ost experts agree that the body needs a variety of these phytochemicals - there are more than 25,000 of them - to stay in top form. That's why so many nutritionists no longer stress individual 'power foods,' but instead promote a 'plant-based' diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts. Preliminary research indicates these foods bring out the best in each other and magnify their protective effects." Additionally, a six-year study found that adults who ate more fruit put on less weight and body fat than those who ate less of it. The Reuters article points out that "Although high-fat, Atkins-style diets have been advocated for weight loss, the new study provides evidence that over the long-term, relatively high fat intake promotes weight gain." And to promote eating plant foods, you might want to enter Dole's "Meatless Mondays" Recipe Contest. The recipes must, according to the Web site, "1) use at least two DOLE products (proof of purchase is not required), 2) contain no meat or meat products" but then again... wait for it... "(fish and seafood are acceptable ingredients)" because they're not meat, of course. Still, it would be great if a vegan recipe wins, so get yours in by November First!

UPDATE 8/23: Study: Americans don't eat enough produce - "More than 85 percent of consumers are not eating the federally recommended minimum of five servings of produce a day, according to an AC Nielsen poll of 2,472 people. And nearly 60 percent think eating one to four servings is enough for a healthy diet; 20 percent said one or two servings is enough."

ALSO:"Meat-eaters soak up the world's water: Governments may have to persuade people to eat less meat because of increasing demands on water supplies."

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