Friday, November 12


I know this is starting to sound like a broken record, but the studies keep coming in, confirming that plant foods are a great benefit to the heart. Vegetable oils found in leafy green vegetables, nuts and flaxseed reduce a woman's risk of dying from heart disease, researchers have reported. This article even starts to tease out that fact so hard for most journalists to grasp - There's. No. Good. Reason. To. Eat. Fish. "The study, presented to a meeting of the American Heart Association, offers an alternative to women worried about getting mercury in fish and fish oil supplements that have also been shown to lower heart risk. Dr. Christine Albert of Harvard Medical School said of the plant fats (alpha-linolenic acid): "During the 16 years of follow-up, women who had higher ALA intake had a significantly lower risk of dying from sudden cardiac death or coronary heart disease."

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