Tuesday, January 27


Yesterday, while the FDA put in place the long-awaited (and even longer-demanded) ban on cow blood in cattle feed, the USDA announced that it was pretty much giving up on finding out where any of the other cows went that ate the same contaminated feed as the one found in Washington. Yep, that's right, just giving up. Even though they're pretty sure, according to USDA's Ron DeHaven, that "many have already been slaughtered." And after that, who cares? It's not as if the people who ate them will show symptoms any time during the current election cycle, is it?

This morning, the Wall Street Journal (again with the America-hating from the WSJ!) reported that the Commodity Futures Exchange Commission is investigating possible insider-trading in the days before the finding of Mad Cow was announced. Apparently I'm not the only one who finds it remarkable that it took so long to come out with that news after the animal was tested.

UPDATE 1/29: More America-haters: SF Examiner: Mad cow safety measures not nearly enough and USA Today: Tighter U.S. beef regulations still too lax for comfort, which says "The new rules overlook two critical ways mad cow disease still can spread: 1) By feeding cattle parts to other animals. 2) By feeding other animal parts to cattle."

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